Section 612 of Vision 100 - Century of Aviation Reauthorization Act prohibits any certificated flight instructor from providing training to foreign nationals on aircraft of any type before certain legal requirements are met.
The implementing regulations require that you submit certain personal identifying information; most of the information required can be submitted via this system. The information you submit via this system will be forwarded to the flight instructor you have identified, who will then forward it to the Flight Training Security Program.
If you are not denied access to training based on the information provided through this system, you will be advised as to additional requirements which must be met before a final decision can be made with regard to your training request.
The Flight Training Security Program has 30 days after receiving all the identifying information required under the regulations to determine whether training must be denied based upon a determination of risk to aviation or national security for Category 1 candidates. For Category 2 candidates, the FTSP has 5 days to make a similar determination.
You will be notified when the flight instructor has forwarded the information to the Flight Training Security Program.