Welcome to the TSA Flight Training Security Program (FTSP) portal.

FTSP's mission is to ensure that non-U.S. citizens and non-U.S. nationals (candidates) participating in flight training do not pose a threat to aviation or national security. Under U.S. law, U.S. flight training providers may only train candidates for whom TSA has issued a Determination of Eligibility.


You must use this portal to apply for a TSA security threat assessment (STA) and pay the fee. Upon successful completion of the STA, you will be issued a Determination of Eligibility, which will allow you to train. Click on Register Options to start the process or select Log In if you already have an account. Select User Guides from the top menu for more information.

Flight Training Providers:
Use this portal for the following actions:

  • Set up an account with TSA. Click on Register Options to start, or select Log In if you already have an account.
  • Notify TSA about candidates requesting training.
  • Upload images to comply with the Regulation.
What's New

FTSP STA Application Processing Status

Processing times are for STA Applications that are in Documents Accepted status and have received fingerprint results

Expedited applications within one (1) calendar day(s).

Non-expedited applications within seven (7) calendar days.

FTSP Help Desk emails are being responded to within fifteen(15) calendar days.

Please refer to the Candidate Guides located under the User Guide tab on the FTSP home page for additional information.

To avoid delays, FTSP kindly suggests submitting your STA application at least 30 days in advance of your planned flight training.

We thank you for your patience.

Payment Issues

Please Note: Payments made on mobile devices (phones or tablets) may not be received. Please use a desk/laptop to ensure you payment is successful.

Candidates Having Trouble Submitting an STA Application

  • Ensure you have uploaded an image to each document entry.

  • An expired document listed on your account, without an image, will also block submission. Either upload an image of that expired document or delete it.

  • If the Submit button turns grey after clicking it, the application was submitted successfully.

  • Please ensure all Expired documents are listed as Expired prior to submitting your application.

Questions Related to Password Resets

I forgot my password and my account was locked; can you unlock my account?

TSA responds to all Help requests on a first come-first served basis, during normal business hours only. Did you know you can reset your own password? Here is how:

How to Reset Your Password:

  • Wait 1 hour after account locked
    • After 3 failed login attempts, FTSP accounts will temporarily lock. Accounts will unlock automatically in approximately 1 hour. After the account is unlocked, you can attempt to login again, if you remember the correct password.
  • Reset Password
    • Please click the Log In button in the upper right of the landing page. Then click on Forgot User ID or password and follow the prompts. Note: Password requests and changes generate two emails; a notice of change request and an acknowledgement of the password change. Attempting to log into your account before you have received both emails will cause a login failure.
  • Get User ID
    • If you do not remember your USER ID, entering your email address will prompt TSA to send you both your USER ID and the instructions to reset your password.

Questions Related to Fingerprints

Can I get fingerprinted at a U.S. embassy or consulate?

-- No.

As of March 2019, the U.S. Department of State has informed TSA that consular sections at U.S. embassies and consulates cannot take fingerprints for foreign nationals outside of visa or naturalization applications.

Candidates must be fingerprinted by a TSA-accepted fingerprint collector, such as:

  • The National Air Transportation Association-Compliance Services [NATA-CS] https://info.natacs.aero/;
  • IDEMIA: https://universalenroll.dhs.gov/locator

TSA will update its fingerprint instruction emails to include this new instruction from the Department of State.

Can I get fingerprinted by law enforcement in my home country?

-- No.

TSA will not accept fingerprints collected by a foreign police station or other foreign law enforcement office.

System Updates

Upgrade and Refresh Your View of the FTSP Online Portal

FTSP continues to implement upgrades to the system. Scheduled system down times are: Wednesday and Friday evenings from 7 pm to 9 pm Eastern Time.

If you are a regular user of the FTSP online portal, please refresh your page view by simultaneously hitting “Ctrl+F5” on your keyboard. This will ensure you are viewing the latest updates to the interface.

PUBLISHED MAY 1, 2024: Flight Training Security Program Final Rule 2024-08800

Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has published to the Federal Register an update to the Flight Training Security Program (FTSP) Interim Final Rule (IFR). Final Rule changes take effect 90 days from today. Until then, all requirements and FTSP processes remain as stated in the IFR and elsewhere on the FTSP portal.

The FTSP final rule completes the IFR issued by TSA on September 20, 2004. TSA has reviewed all public comments and considered all recommendations received from industry, other federal organizations, and the Aviation Security Advisory Committee since the IFR was published and incorporated those recommendations to the fullest extent possible. The Final Rule also incorporates all program clarifications and interpretations issued by TSA since the IFR was published.

The benefits of the Final Rule are the replacement of the IFR’s event-based security threat assessment (STA) approach with a time-based STA approach, the elimination of the IFR’s numbered training categories, and the modification of the security awareness refresher training requirement from an annual to a biennial frequency.

Helpful tips for creating training events

Provider cannot create a training event:

On July 30, 2024, the FTSP Final Rule became effective, and one main part of the change was moving from an event-based security threat assessment to a time-based security threat assessment (5 years). In order to create training events for candidates, the candidate would first need to submit an application via their candidate portal. Once FTSP issues a determination of eligibility (DOE) to the candidate, the candidate can then select a flight training provider. The provider would then receive an email notification advising them to create training events. When the provider clicks on "Create Training Event," it will bring them to the training tab and a list of eligible candidates will show with a green check mark under the training eligibility column.

Candidate has a valid DOE - Final Approval and Provider cannot select Candidate for Training:

First select the training dates, then the Training Type/Category, and then, the candidate(s) you are creating the training event for.

Please refer to the FTSP home page https://www.fts.tsa.dhs.gov/home, User Guides, Provider Guide pages 26 – 33 cover the training event notification process.

Why Might the Review or Approval of an STA Application be Delayed?

Candidate has not:

  • Submitted sufficient information
  • Submitted accurate information
  • Followed fingerprint instructions

Candidate allegedly has one or more of the following issues:

  • Immigration inconsistencies that TSA has referred to USCIS or others for resolution
  • A criminal history that TSA has referred to one or more law enforcement agencies for resolution
  • Ties to terrorism that require resolution

Other factors that may result in delays:

  • Weather events
  • Government shutdown
  • System failures